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VoV: Morphogenesis of Values By Maurice Benayoun

Exhibition 30.10 - 30.11.2022 11:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Mondays)

Venue Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center

The exhibition presents new media artist Maurice Benayoun’s latest development in his pioneering neuro-design blockchain-based artwork Value of Values (VoV). Visitors of the exhibition give shape to human values directly from their mind and control their evolution just by thinking. They become Brain Workers and receive VoVs tokens from what they have produced, which will be registered in blockchain. The VoV art project helps us to better understand human values and reflects how individuals, communities and countries confront the hierarchies of value.

Enter VoV Explorer:

Enter VoV Trading Platform:

VoV User Guide >> HERE

Exhibition Pamphlet >> HERE

Human abstractions live in our minds. Human values, such as Love, Power, Peace, and Knowledge, are human abstractions. If making art is the process of giving shape to ideas, we could perhaps do it differently: We can shape human values directly from our minds, controlling the form just by thinking!


Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) makes neuro-design possible. This “Morphogenesis of Values” (MoV) goes beyond the traditional culture-based representations (i.e. an allegory for Liberty, the red pictogram of the heart for Love…). Each human value can be considered as a dynamic living form. Its ecosystem is the human mind. Like Nature assessing the evolution of living forms, the Brain - thanks to EEG (Electroencephalography) - can assess forms and their relevance in representing abstractions and values. The resulting fluid shape submitted to dynamic forces is like thought in motion. Eventually, the generated forms become Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) on the Blockchain, opening the path for new market forces to drive the trade of Human Values. From Sublimation (dataism) to Reification (commodification), artworks can now penetrate strata of human activities that were so far out of the artist’s reach. Ethics, Finance, Politics, and Philosophy become, thanks to transactional practices, the new playground for artists at the world level. The process of neuro design can be considered as Hu-GAN, where the now common AI GAN (Artificial Intelligence Generative Adversarial Network) opposing a computer-based Generator to a carefully taught computer-based Discriminator may hand the status of discriminator/curator over to the artist. In the Brain Factory and Value of Values (VoV), it is the human brain that plays the role of the Discriminator. In the curatorial process involved in AI-generated Art, the artist steps back from the position of designing concepts and uses new tools similar in role to an artist’s paint tubes in the form of “concept tubes” or “rhetoric tubes,” spreading ready-made tropes. The Reader deciphers the characters, and two Interpreters visualize and comment on the resulting sentence. Each of them is affected by a specific bias - what I call Artificial Intentionality - that orients the generative process. One visually interprets like an “art critic”, and the other writes subtitles like a “marketing expert”. Curating variations to orient the evolution of constantly evolving shapes may have become the new paradigm of the artist’s practice. Swapping the positions in this machine-human confrontation, the artist exposes his 40 years of practice, mapping it on the like of an art processor." (Maurice BENAYOUN)

Full Artist Statement >> HERE

Introduction to Morphogenesis of Values >> HERE

Artwork Captions  

City Ads Values

Video, Transactional Poetry


Maurice Benayoun

Neuro-design Factory

Interactive Installation, EEG, NFTs

2018 - ongoing

Maurice Benayoun

Crypto-Characters - Calligraphy of Values

Prints Installation


Maurice Benayoun

Can we Read the Human Brain?

Machine Learning Human Values


Maurice Benayoun

The Surprises of Interspecies Communication

Machine Learning Human Values


Maurice Benayoun

The Scientist - Periodic Table of Values

Affinity of Values


Maurice Benayoun

Value Trading Room

Blockchain-based Interactive Installation


Maurice Benayoun

Conceptual Timeline


Maurice Benayoun


3D Printed Sculptures


Footprint of Freedom


Maurice Benayoun





Tobias Klein

Media Coverage  

Organised by

Osage Art Foundation

Project Grant

Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme 

HKSAR Government

Supported by

Asia Society Hong Kong Center

School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong


Maurice Benayoun


Ann Mak

Collaborative Artists



3D Printing

Tobias KLEIN

Sound Design

Jean-Baptiste BARRIERE

Contributors (Consultant)


Special Thanks

MindSpaces / S+T+Arts

Production / Programming Support

City Ads Values

Shooting   Daniel KWOK, Colin WU

Editing   Furqan ALI SHAH, Eleanor BENAYOUN

Sound Design   Tim CHAN

Neuro-design Factory
Neuro-Design Lab and Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media of School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

Can we Read the Human Brain?

The Surprises of Interspecies Communication

The Scientist - Periodic Table of Values

Value Trading Room
Shubham YADAV

The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

© 2022 by Osage 

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